What's Covered

  • Short-Term Rented Equipment: $245
  • Annual Production Equipment: (Owned and/or Rented): $470
  • Annual Photography Equipment (Hobbyist and/or for Private Event Use): $170
  • Accidental Damages
  • Theft
  • Lightning and/or Explosions
  • Fire
  • Earthquakes
  • Windstorms
  • Hail and Flood
  • Nationally Declared Acts of Terrorism
  • (Optional Coverage) – Voluntary Parting and/or Conversion
  • (Optional Coverage) – Equipment afloat or under water
  • Smoke and/or Water Damage
  • Falling Objects
  • Worldwide Coverage
  • Transit and Shipping
  • Replacement Cost Coverage
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Please provide your legal business or residency mailing address.  You must legally reside or have a business entity in one of the 50 USA States (or District of Columbia) to apply for coverage.  If you reside in the US via a student or long-term visa over 1 year, you are also eligible to apply

Quote Progress
Contact Information
Would you like an Annual or Short-Term Policy?

Annual policies will provide coverage for 12 months, whereas short-term policies are meant for a one-time shoot or short-term project.

When should we start your policy?
Required Field
Does your business operate mostly out of a fixed location, such as a studio or office?
Would you like to insure a non-motorized trailer(s) (This must be used for your business purposes and does not cover any motorized vehicle)?
Trailer(s) Itemization
Make Year Built Model VIN Replacement Cost
$ clear row contents
Do you have any equipment that is permanently attached to the trailer(s)?
Where do you store your trailer(s) when not in use?*
What kind of security does this location have to prevent the public from entering? *
Trailer Question
What is the maximum value of equipment you rent from others, at any one time next year? (i.e. Rented Gear from a production rental house or another equipment owner)
What is the total value of Camera/Photography/Production/Sound Equipment you own? (Values must be based on current Replacement Cost plus sales tax)
What is the total value of Musical Instruments & Sound Equipment you own? (Values must be based on current Replacement Cost plus sales tax)
What is the total value of Sports & Recreational Equipment you own? (Values must be based on current Replacement Cost plus sales tax)
For the equipment you're looking to insure, are there any existing damages?
Policy Questions
Will you be taking any of your equipment to Mexico?
Will you ever take any of the proposed covered equipment to a country with US Sanctions (i.e. North Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc)?
Please select your deductible

The deductible is the amount you (the policyholder) are responsible for if you file a claim. For example, if you have a finalized claim of $5,000 with a $250 deductible, the total claim payout would be $4,750.

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